Recalls are issued because a vehicle doesn’t meet the minimum federal safety standards, or that there is a safety flaw related to the car’s manufacturing, sometimes up to the point that it may be dangerous to drive. If you have a Ford with an unfixed recall, we make it easy for you to do a lookup and check if the recall impacts your Ford.

Check For Recalls

We will send our mobile service van to you when the recall can be completed remotely for a zero-hassle repair experience. Schedule your hassle-free repair:


The repair process is completely FREE.


The majority of vehicles are fixed in about an hour.*

*Depending on dealers’ schedules


FREE mobile service van repair if the work can be completed remotely.

We will coordinate alternate transportation options if the repair time requires you to come to the store.

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Protect the ones you care about. Let your friends and family know how to check for any recalls on their Ford.

What Will it Cost Me?

Not a thing, at no costs to you, your car’s recall will be repaired by trained factory technicians. Manufacturers are required to repair recalls for free and if someone tries to charge you, contact the manufacturer, or report it to the NHTSA. Lets Do a Recall Lookup

How Long do I Have After a Recall?

There is a statute of limitations for up to ten years, except for tire recalls which are valid for 60 days. However, we will work with Ford to fix the issue even after those ten years have passed.

Kendall Ford of Meridian is located at: 250 East Overland • Meridian, ID 83642


Get Directions

250 East Overland, Meridian, ID, 83642
Kendall Ford of Meridian 43.591570, -116.389865.